Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tootsie Rolls

Last night was a GREAT class in our youth group for me. I have been praying over our youth and their interest, and their attendance on Wed nights. Have you ever tried to talk to a bunch of teenagers on a teaching level? Let me tell you without them saying anything at all you can start feeling very alone and inadequate for the task as you try to bring them a lesson out of God's word. And then, God gave me an exciting idea.... "TOOTSIE ROLLS" Last night as class started with great Christian music from the group Pillar and a strobe light spinning around the room I had a surprise hidden under the podium. As the music ended & the strobe light turned off we started class. When we got to the point of me throwing out a question as usual (dead silence) no one had a response....are you serious QUIET teenagers. This time I was ready with the help of prayer. And so, I reached for the tootsie roll bag. Basically the deal was if they answered questions and gave me & the class feed back and discussion on our topic they would be thrown a tootsie roll. Let me tell you I have discovered the secret of getting teenagers to interact with you in a class setting..... feed them junk food. Class was great we talked about our topic living proof by simply living. In otherwards walkin the walk and talkin the talk in Christ. And my small group of teenagers last night had alot to say.
I thank God for giving me such a great idea to spike their interest. Sure it was for tootsie rolls but guess what regardless of what gets a person to sit under God's word to start with once your under it his word WILL NOT return void!!!!! How cool is that!!!
As always thanks for stopping by the GRILL and I hope your leave a comment. Look forward to meeting back here again real soon.
All for Christ,

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

God answers quiet gentle prayers.

Can I share some real thoughts with you today? We lost my mother-in-law this past January to leukemia but primarily and most importantly God called her home. The last couple of weeks I have really been missing her. She's been very much in my daily thoughts. Sunday after church Jim and I were discussing his dad who is currently taking treatment for cancer himself. And we began talking about his mom. As we spoke about Jim's parents I realized in my thoughts that since his mom past away I have not had a single dream about her. I began to think about how much comfort it would be to see her, to speak to her, to hug her again. And I had a quiet moment just thinking to myself and to my Heavenly Father who knows my every thought my every desire my every need. Last night which was Monday night I dreamed the sweetest dreams about my mother-in-law. I saw her I spoke to her I hugged her and she hugged me. I felt her as real as typing these words now. When I awoke I was so rested and as I got ready for work it occurred to me that God had blessed me last night in my dreams with the desire of my heart. To be near my sweet loving friend and mother-in-law again. I thank my God for gentle quiet prayers being answered.
Thanks for sharing in this blessing with me. And come on back to the grill again.
With love in Christ,

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Prayer and pool playing

Yesterday on my way home from work I was praying and seeking a word from God. I was sincerely asking God's forgiveness because of the time and energey I waste every day while asking God for more time. I was speaking with my God and asking Him to please help me to see my opportunities especially with my precious family. Why is it we sometimes save our best for the outside world and give the peope we love what is leftover.... and isn't that true with how we often give the leftover to God too. Not that we mean to. I'm convinced that I don't deliberately often fall asleep talking with God at night. I don't deliberately tell my children to wait while I watch the television. I don't deliberately fall asleep on my husband while he's sharing his thoughts of the day. So as I was sharing these feelings with God and humbly asking Him to show me the moments I don't take I pulled into our drive God began instantly to show me the desire of my heart's prayer. There Jim and Zack were walking across the yard toward the barn to get Zack's little 4 wheeler out. Instead of turning off the car and running inside to start dinner "I STOPPED" I watched a precious site Zack swinging his arms and shaking his head in a very deep, real, and enthusiastic conversation with his daddy. What a beautiful site. And just now it occurred to me how wonderful it would be if everyday I talked that real that deep that enthusiastic with my arms swinging to my heavenly Father. Thank you Lord for giving me this thought.

Back to last night. I went in and Jim came through the house he said he was heading to the barn to shoot pool. Once again God gave me that small voice that said, "STOP" go shoot pool with him. And I did. (NOT WELL but I was there and we were having fun.) Toward the end of the game the boys came up in the top of the barn and grabbed pool sticks and we all played a round of pool together. It was a great moment that had I not taken time to "STOP" I would have missed such a beautiful blessing on such a normal regular Tuesday evening. I encourage you and myself to "STOP" more often. Start by "STOPPING" for a quiet time with our Lord. "STOP" to really listen and see our husband. "STOP" to truly hear and watch our children. "STOP" to hear God in our lives. Thank you so much for "STOPPING" by the grill today. Be blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ.
All 4 my Jesus,

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Facing big task by saying yes to the little ones.

I'm going to share some real life with you this morning. If your reading this today and have ever been here with me leave me a comment and let me know I'm not all alone. In June of 2007 at the age of 33 I rededicated my life to my Lord my Savior Jesus Christ. Since then I've been praying (sometimes stronger than other times) that God would use me in a big way for His glory. Over and over I would pray that over myself and even over my family, over my husband over my children. That we would be used in great ways for God's glory for His kingdom. Over and over and it seemed that God was not listening, or not wanting me to do anything. And because I didn't see task as important or I didn't here drums and see rockets flying to announce that God was about to use me I past them by. I said no over and over while at the exact same time asking God to please use me, and even on some occassions I would take on the task but not to the fullest of my ability. As a matter of fact alot of the time not realizing what I was doing I would handle it by myself without consulting my God at all. And then when the task was completed I would still be left feeling as though God is just not using me YET. AND THEN... this week God showed up and clearly gave me this truth. That yes He loves me, yes He can use me and will but I have to say yes when he calls. EVEN on the smallest jobs. There are no small jobs for God's glory. I have probably heard that over and over but it wasn't until this week this time that I understood the truth behind the meaning. God may have big plans for this woman but if I can't act on the small plans how can He use me for bigger. So I say today that in everything I do may I truly do it for my God's glory. And may God use me however He desires. Big or small ... the size of the job isn't important it's the size of my heart that matters.
All 4 Christ,

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Let me tell ya!

This weekend was God filled. I was blessed with spending Friday and Saturday with 10 wonderful women from our church. As we headed out in one mighty full church van on our way Memphis the weather was rainy and windy, but we had an AWESOME Jesus guiding us the whole way. Not to mention a great lady named Joan behind the wheel. We showed up checked into our hotel and headed to grab a bite before going to the Living Proof Live conference with Beth Moore. The food was good the conference was incredible. There was 13,300 women in the Fedex Forum in Memphis and about oh I would say 10 men. It was a weekend filled with most of all God, laughter, encouragement, and a new awareness of what God is like according to Exodus 34. It was great to hear such a motivational Godly speaker and even better to receive a Godly message spoken directly to my very own heart. God gave me a new awareness that as much as I ask Him to grow me spiritually to lead & guide me to change me from the inside out through Jesus Christ and His holy spirit. He said very clearly to me over the course of this weekend. If I want Him to lead me I've got to be willing to chase after Him through all situations. So as I allow this newness of chasing after my God sink in to my heart and soul. I pray that I will be living proof of God's abounding love, compassion, grace, and forgiveness in my daily life walk. If your checking out the grill today let me know by leaving a comment. I'd love to hear from you.
In love with Christ Jesus,

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday

What makes a wonderful Wednesday? For me it's simple. I woke up on time... of course after a snooze alarm. Laid out my clothes last night by this morning I was not interested in wearing that just ironed top so here I go searching for the perfect Wednesday top that of course needed ironed. Ok so are we sounding wonderful yet? An hour later I'm ready.. well nearly no shoes, no coordinating matching jewelry because of course the jewelry that I laid out matched the original planned outfit that I'm no longer wearing. So as I jump into shoes matching jewelry and running thru turning on everyone's bedroom lights saying good morning time to get up guys. I begin to wake up the youngest... he may only be 4 but at 6:15 in the morning he has a VERY grown up attitude. As I'm trying with much effort to dress him he's trying with as much effort to not get dressed. Ok so we finally have him dressed and off to the bathroom we go to brush teeth & hair. DONE! Oh forgot about my breakfast of 2 pieces whole-wheat toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter and my cappachino to go. As I round the corner to the kitchen... there he is my Wonderful husband with bread in the toaster and a spoon stirring my cup of hot cappachino to go. It's now 6:25 I'm now 10 minutes late out the door. As I grab a purse, lunch bag, breakfast sandwich, cappachino, Zack, Zack's shoes ( because at 6:25 in the morning this little 4 year old does not intend on wearing shoes), his bear named pickles (pickles goes everywhere with us), his blue rag and I kiss my sweet handsome husband and out the door we go. Oh no at the van I realize the doors are locked as I'm trying to maneuver all the items in my arms to reach for my keys which are buried deep in that huge purse without dropping my son. I look up and there he is again, my adorable sweet handsome husband. He takes several items out of my arms helps me find the keys stuffs all my items in the front passenger seat as I buckle Zack in the car seat in the back. I kiss him again and he says I'm beautiful. I climb into the driver seat and head out of the driveway. Jim is left with 2 older sleeping children to wake up and make sure are ready and eat breakfast before they leave the house in about 20 minutes. Sound like a wonderful Wednesday to you? So in all the craziness what makes it wonderful? My husband! Jim being there at just the right moment to encourage me to help me to take part of my load this morning. It was a wonderful Wednesday morning. That's what we are suppose to do. We are suppose to be helpers and encouragers to our spouses. And when we do that for one another everyday can be a wonderful Wednesday.
Dear God thank you so much for blessing me with such a wonderful husband. For giving us 3 amazing children and for allowing us to know Jesus Christ in our lives and in our heart. May we be the family in Christ that you desire us to be.
If your reading at the grill today I'd love to hear from you. May your day regardless of how it started be a Wonderful Wednesday.
Check out my new memory verse: Romans 15:13
All in Christ,

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday's thought

Good morning and thanks for stopping by the grill. I read a story today about someone who took the time to buy a cup of coffee for a homeless person and actually set down and had a conversation with that person. It got me to thinking... would I ever do something so kind so giving so self sacrificing so humbling? The answer I discovered is not nearly as beautiful as I would like to say it was. The true reality is when I took a real look at this question I would be scared and too afraid to do such a wonderful gesture. Have you ever asked yourself a really hard question like that and got back a shocking reality check. The point is if I am not answering the way I would like to think I would then I need to do some searching into this feeling of scared freight. God doesn't intend for us to be scared and afraid. We are to have a reverent fear of God but not of anything else. God loves us and wants to grow us in our walk with him. So when we are faced with opportunities that may lead us to those feelings of scaredness and of being afraid pray and listen to the quiet still voice from God. If we truly want to handle something thru the grace of God he will not only be with us through the opportunity but in alot of cases he will CARRY us thru the opportunity. It's important to rememeber that when we give our lives to Christ we are never alone in our day, in our decisions, in our choices, or in our opportunities to show Christ love. As fall starts up and the season begins to show signs of change let's take a deep look at ourselves and ask God to change us during this season too. A change that is obvious to everyone around us of the grace, mercy and love that Christ has in and through our lives.
Hope to see you back here at the grill real soon.
In Christ I'm not alone,

Monday, October 5, 2009

Saturday night LIVE

It's been a while since I've had a chance to blog. We have been very blessed with all the flu and sickness going around right now our family has been well. We had an eventful weekend. We spent all day cleaning out our barn and garage. By the end of the day Jim and I were both pooped and glad to be able to sit back and enjoy our just installed direct TV. After tucking the boys in we headed for bed around 10pm. In no time we were both sound asleep. What happened next will long be remembered by both of us. Around midnight we were awoken to police beating on our bedroom window shining flashlights and screaming sheriff's dept come to the door. As you can imagine we both jumped up scared to death and went running to the door. When Jim opened the door he was faced with guns drawn. Talk about scary. After about a second one of the officers recognized him and they put the guns away. They were of course at the wrong house. They were looking for the neighbors house because of a call they received about someone threatening suicide. Needless to say we were wide awake most of the remainder of the night. But you know in the midst of all the chaos I know that my family is even more blessed than we realize. God is lord of all and how awesome it is to know that you and your family have a relationship with the maker and creator of everything. He holds it all together by His grace and mercy and through His son Jesus Christ we can be forgiven and freed to live a life of love, peace and joy. If your reading this today and have a really crazy story to tell about something interesting that has happened in your life I would love to hear from you. Have a great day.
All 4 Jesus,