Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday's thought

Good morning and thanks for stopping by the grill. I read a story today about someone who took the time to buy a cup of coffee for a homeless person and actually set down and had a conversation with that person. It got me to thinking... would I ever do something so kind so giving so self sacrificing so humbling? The answer I discovered is not nearly as beautiful as I would like to say it was. The true reality is when I took a real look at this question I would be scared and too afraid to do such a wonderful gesture. Have you ever asked yourself a really hard question like that and got back a shocking reality check. The point is if I am not answering the way I would like to think I would then I need to do some searching into this feeling of scared freight. God doesn't intend for us to be scared and afraid. We are to have a reverent fear of God but not of anything else. God loves us and wants to grow us in our walk with him. So when we are faced with opportunities that may lead us to those feelings of scaredness and of being afraid pray and listen to the quiet still voice from God. If we truly want to handle something thru the grace of God he will not only be with us through the opportunity but in alot of cases he will CARRY us thru the opportunity. It's important to rememeber that when we give our lives to Christ we are never alone in our day, in our decisions, in our choices, or in our opportunities to show Christ love. As fall starts up and the season begins to show signs of change let's take a deep look at ourselves and ask God to change us during this season too. A change that is obvious to everyone around us of the grace, mercy and love that Christ has in and through our lives.
Hope to see you back here at the grill real soon.
In Christ I'm not alone,

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