Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Day of Rest

Today was not a usual Sunday at the Walker home. Most Sunday mornings you would find us busy getting breakfast out and getting everyone ready for church and then out the door we would go with Bibles in hand. This morning though was not that way, although when we went to bed last night we had all intentions of being seated in our close to the front usual seats at church worshiping with our wonderful church family, this morning came and everyone slept in. Now usually had I woke up late for church I would have made the day worse by feeling bad for missing and allowing the day to be filled with regret and passing that same shameful feeling off to the rest of my family in my actions. (Not the best attitude to portray but never the less that's usually where you would find me if I miss church service.) Because not only do I feel that by not being at church I'm letting down my family and my church members but more than that I always feel as though I'm letting God down and it is an extremely shameful feeling that I hold over myself usually for the entire day. However today was different. I'm not saying miss church it's a wonderful experience NOT at all. Jim and I both feel that our church is a fueling station a wonderful place filled with wonderful friends and family in Christ; a place to be filled with the message God has intended for each one of us if we go with an open heart and ears to receive what he has in store for us. And God's Word says do not forsake the assembling together! While being in church is deeply important to me and our family this morning when we woke up late I had a peace about being home today. Very different than how I would have normally felt about missing church. I didn't know right then but God was going to show me something today. I started out with the thought that I would use today as time to study God's Word with my children and to rest. I read with the boys frm Deut 6. We talked about God's desire that parents and their children think about God in EVERYTHING that we do. And we studied and talked about God's 10 commandments and how important they are not just to little children but also to their parents. This morning little Zack told a lie and while I could have spanked him and told him it was wrong and never do that I took that moment and told him about God's commandments and how important it is to remember God doesn't want us (I'm back blog tip#1 NEVER forget your potatoes on the stove when you start blogging... ok back to my story.) to tell lies it's one of the 10 commandments that he wants us to live by. And that's when it happened God spoke to my heart... to begin teaching my children that just like grown ups when they do something wrong they need to not only say I'm sorry to the person they wronged but also take it to God and ask for God's forgiveness. I've always tried to explain when my children do something wrong that God wants us to be good and to make good choices in everything we do, but until today I've never explained how important it is for them to also take their wrong behavior and talk to God about it and ask for His forgiveness and also to ask Him to help make better choices. So today while it started out as a Sunday missing church, it became a day that God used to show me a valuable truth as a parent in Christ. Children like adults need to realize that they should also take their wrong decisions and bad choices to God for His forgiveness and guidance. Thanks for stopping by to hang out with me at the GRILL! Come back and see us again soon and feel free to leave me a comment. Have a wonderful week!
All 4 HIM, Angela

Thank you God for showing me a parenting mistake I've been making for years. Thank you for showing me the importance of teaching my children to talk to you not just about prayer needs, or praises, but also when they make bad decisions in their lives to take those to you as well for your forgiveness, love, comfort, strength and guidance in their lives. In Jesus name, Amen.

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