Thursday, December 31, 2009

Coming to the end

Yesterday as I walked on my lunch hour I begin to think about the year coming to a close. I started thinking about where Jim and I are in 2009 from where we were in 2002. In January of 2002 living 3 hours from any family, a huge mortgage, a 6 year old and a 1 year old we both became unemployed on the same day. A day I'll never forget it was Jan 4th. As our world begin to turn upside down it was also very apparent that God was at work. See we had been praying for months that something major would open up an opportunity for us to move back closer to family. And then like a numbing cold wind there we were with exactly what we had been praying for a MAJOR opportunity. And as we go into 2010 I think of how God has seen our family through so much change over the past 8 years. How God has grown Jim and I spiritually closer to Him. How God has blessed us with our little Zack. How God supplied all our needs from the sale of our house in 2002 to finding the perfect home for our family of 5 in 2005. God has seen us through every circumstance in our life. He has taken us from unsecure jobs to where we are today, with great jobs. God has blessed us with the means for Jim and I to not only provide for our family but also for the precious little girl we have claimed in Ghana Africa little Emma(nuella). As this year comes to an end and our 2010 begins my prayer to our God of all, is that our family will continue in God's blessings and that we will walk closer to Him than ever before through our Savior Jesus Christ. Stepping out on our faith knowing that God will never let us fall. He may allow moments of failure but He will never let us fall. Actually regardless of what happens in our life the lose of jobs, homes, come what may is it really failure as long as God is with us? His word says if God is for us who can be against us. God is always here to catch us and hold us come whatever may. Through the storms of life God will never leave us.
Where ever you are in life I wish you a wonderful New Year filled with the peace of Jesus Christ.
In Christ love,

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